February 28, 2011

Art lesson idea with Pixlr

The lesson is on deconstructing advertisements using Pixlr, photo editing Web 2.0 tool.  Teacher could bring in advertisements from magazines and newspapers and have the students to scan the images that they would like to work with.  Students analyze the content and effectiveness of the advertisements considering following components.

1. Purpose and Audience - Explain how media texts are created to suit particular purposes and audiences. 
2. Interpreting Messages - Interpret media texts identifying and explaining the overt and implied messages they convey. 
3. Evaluating Texts - Evaluate how effectively information, ideas, issues and opinions are communicated in media texts, and decide whether the texts achieve their purpose.
4. Form - Identify general and specific characterisitics of a variety of media forms and explain how they 5. Conventions and Techniques - Identify conventions and/or techniques used in a variety of media forms and explain how they convey meaning and influence their audience.

Students will use Pixlr to select parts of images that they would like to manipulate to create a new advertisement that shows their understanding of the advertisements that they had chosen.

These are some examples of advertisement deconstruction done with using Pixlr, photo editing tool.

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